Are you one of those people who feel like their hair gets greasy almost instantly after washing? If yes, then let me tell you, first of all, you are not alone. Having an oily scalp is a very common phenomenon and nothing to beat yourself up over. After all, the main reason for our scalp producing sebum is to protect our hair.

Still, at some point, all we want is to find a way to tell our body to please stop producing so much grease. Luckily, there are a few things that you can start doing to prevent your hair from getting greasy too quickly.

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1. Keep your hands off your hair!

The first thing when you learn how to prevent greasy hair is to leave your hair alone! No constant touching, brushing it behind your ears or other things. If you have a habit of touching it to free up your face, consider trying out a few new hairdos that keep your hair away.

This tip might not sound like much. But once you start actually paying attention to it, you will notice how often you really touch your hair!

A very good trick for training this is to wear some thin cotton gloves like these* at home. I used this trick when I battled my hormonal acne and had to keep myself from picking my face. Every time you touch your hair with these gloves, it will feel a little weird, reminding you that you didn’t want to do this!

2. Find a good detangling balance

The second thing to stop your hair from getting greasy too quickly is to have a good look at your brushing or combing style.

Do you use a brush with hard bristles? And do you brush your hair constantly, starting from the scalp?

While getting a good scalp massage every now and then is very beneficial for your hair, you might want to ease off a little. When your scalp is already producing way more sebum than you’d like, you don’t want to increase that even further.

Make sure you have a good brush or comb, I prefer wooden ones*. (And I talk about all my reasons for using a wooden comb here.)

And then watch out for how you brush! Try to not massage your scalp too much.

Instead, pay more attention to brush the sebum from your head into the length. This stuff is actually very beneficial for your hair, especially for the length and tips!

3. Check your shampoo

I know, I know. You can’t hear it anymore.

“Don’t wash your hair so often!” Everyone has heard that before.

But when your hair gets greasy after what feels like 5 minutes, you just want to wash it. Period. And, when you ask anyone how to stop greasy hair, they’ll tell you to wash it, right?

Related: How often should you wash your hair?

Still, there is a reason for everyone repeating this advice over and over again. By washing with harsh shampoos every day, you keep yourself in a vicious cycle.

You wash and your scalp thinks: “Oh no, too dry, let’s quickly produce some oil!” So you wash again and your scalp thinks: “What? Already dry again? Alright, I’m gonna make even more oil this time!” And so on.

So your first step towards washing less could be to check your shampoo. Are you using a shampoo with harsh ingredients? If yes, replace it with a more scalp-friendly shampoo, like this one* from Dessert Essence.

It might take some time, but after a while, your scalp will calm down and you can start washing less often.

Related: How to select healthy hair products: All you need to know

4. No shampoo massaging

Another thing to look out for when washing your hair is how you apply the shampoo. When your hair is really greasy, it can be tempting to really massage that shampoo in. After all, you want to be squeaky clean afterward, right?

Like with the brushing, this can have the opposite of the desired effect though. Do distribute the shampoo on your head.

But leave out the thorough massage. It won’t help much with the cleaning but might increase the oil production again.

5. Don’t cook your scalp

Okay, cooking your scalp might be exaggerating a little bit.

But this is what it feels like to your oil glands when you wash your hair with hot water. It leaves everything dry and sends the signal to produce more oil.

Don’t do it!

Instead, opt for lukewarm temperatures.

If you’re really brave, you can even do an ice cold rinse after you’re done washing it. It won’t do anything against the oiliness, but it will make your hair shinier. Always a nice effect, isn’t it?

Related: How to dry hair without heat

6. Use dry shampoo

Another option for washing your hair less is to use a dry shampoo like this one*. These powdery products soak up some of that excess oil on your scalp, making it look like you washed your hair.

Unfortunately, this is not an everyday solution, as too much powder can clog up your pores.

But as a quick solution every now and then this can definitely help!

7. Try Argan oil

First, a word of warning. This approach needs some serious dedication, time and a bottle of good Argan oil*! But, science backs it up!

Argan oil has anti-sebum properties and can decrease the sebum production of your skin.

Buuuuut you need to massage it in twice daily for 4 weeks!

This might be a little challenging to do on a normal working schedule. But then again, so is dealing with greasy hair every day.

Related: What is the best Argan oil for hair? 5 tips

8. Put the styling irons away

This tip needs to be on every list that deals with any aspect of hair health.

Heat styling is bad for your hair. Period.

It also has the same effect as hot water on your oil glands. Drying out your scalp, while at the same time calling for higher sebum production.

If you are serious about stopping your hair from getting greasy so quickly, put your heat styling tools away! And use your blowdryer on the lowest temperature possible, if you have to use it.

Related: How to get rid of frizz – the ultimate guide
Related: 5 must-have Hair-friendly hair tools

9. Avoid wearing headbands and hats

One less common tip on how to stop oily hair is to look at your head wear.

This tip might be a tough one. Especially if you use headbands or hats to hide oily hair. But while I love cute headbands* to protect my hair at the beach, they definitely don’t help with greasy hair.

Instead, they keep moisture in and make your head sweat more. A perfect mix to create an even greasier look than before…

10. Wash your pillowcase very regularly

This is a tip that everyone with oily facial skin already knows. To keep the greasiness low, it is important to wash your pillowcase regularly. Go as frequent as you can, but make it happen at least every 2-3 days.

How do you stop your hair from getting greasy?

Have you tried any of these ways to stop your hair from getting greasy too quickly? Or do you have any other ideas that I am missing here? Let me know in the comments and make sure to share this on Pinterest!

Looking for greasy hair remedies? I know how it is when you really need some fix for your oily hair. Check out these 10 tips on how to get rid of greasy hair!

Related: How to use witch hazel on hair & its benefits

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