Does it feel to anyone else as if life is just getting more and more stressful? We’ve already talked about what to put in a stress relief goodie bag, but what if you yourself are in dire need of some relief?

If you also feel like you just forgot how to relax and have fun, then this list of stress relief activities is for you!

Disclosure: Some of the links below are so-called provision links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I can earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

1. Stress relief breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are perfect if you need some quick stress relief activities. Their effect is immediate and you don’t need anything else but yourself – and possibly some guidance on how to breathe. They are also the most natural stress relief activities possible. What’s more natural than breathing?

I personally love a breathing exercise I’ve learned from the app Headspace. It works in a 4-4-6 breathing pattern to calm down your nervous system and put you in a rest and relax state. Perfect before sleep or for stress relief!

If you want to try it simply follow the video below:

Stress relief physical exercises

If you are in a very high energy stress state, you might want to look into physical exercises to get rid of some of that energy. It isn’t news that pretty much all kind of physical exercise is helpful for stress management. You just need to find the right kind for you!

2. Dancing

My favorite way to deal with stressful times is to bust out some moves. (And by busting out, I mean, dancing in my kitchen.)

When was the last time you danced? That doesn’t have to mean going to a club or a party. How about putting your headphones on now, playing some upbeat music, and dancing like there’s no tomorrow?

A study found that dancing can actually help fight off depressive symptoms for individuals who felt stressed-out. And what better mini-vacation from our stressful lives than to move our bodies to our favorite music?

3. Running

I personally am not into running. But every runner I know swears on the amazing feeling of stress just falling off as soon as they put on their runner’s shoes.

4. Yoga

Image of someone in the yoga pose cobra

I know, you expected this. Has there ever been anything talking about stress without mentioning yoga? And it’s true, yoga is amazing for stressed-out people! It can help lower your cortisol, which is the stress hormone.

It’s also one of the most healthy stress relief activities. So not only will it help in dealing with tension and pressure, but you’ll also invest in your future self.

Feel self-conscious about going to a studio? No worries! With all those online yoga videos now, you can easily start a yoga practice at home – even as a beginner!

Stress relief game

When I was looking for some good stress relief activities, I also stumbled upon an idea I hadn’t really consciously considered before: stress relief games!

But when I think about it, this is something I’ve used myself before!

5. Logic Puzzles

I’ve been a big fan of doing logic puzzles like Sudoku, Nonograms, and similar ones for years. When I think about the times I do them, it’s always when I’m in need of some stress-relieving activity!

And it makes sense: Focusing your mind on solving the puzzles gives you a break from racing thoughts. Add the sound of the pencil quietly scratching the paper and some nice background music… In my opinion, this is the perfect stress-relieving activity!

6. Mobile Apps

There are also quite a few mobile apps that can give you similar experiences. Some people swear on merging games like Merge Dragons to get out of their heads. (There are lots of those, just search your app store!)

I’ve also really enjoyed the app “Brain Yoga” for a while. It is a brain training app without a timer. Basically, it’s the perfect mix of focusing your mind on a challenge without getting stressed by the clock ticking down. It also has soothing background music to give you a spa-like experience.

You can find it here for Android and here for iOS.

7. Coloring books

There is a reason why coloring books for adults have been popping up everywhere: Coloring is one of the most relaxing stress-relief activities! Pair this with a nice audiobook and you’ll have the most relaxing time ever! (By the way, if you’re interested in that audiobook thing, you can try Audible and get TWO free audiobooks here!*)

All you need is a nice coloring book* and some colored pencils. If you don’t have those anymore, consider getting some like these*, because they come in a decorative container. It’s not very stress-relieving to have your pencils flying around everywhere, after all. (I might or might not be speaking from experience…)

Stress relief mind exercises

It wouldn’t be a full list of stress relief activities without talking about some “mind exercises”. Especially if your stress is the emotional kind, these kinds of exercises can help you deal with these challenges better.

8. Guided relaxations

Guided relaxations are not only something to do after a yoga practice. They can also be incredibly helpful when you don’t know how to relax anymore. I often use them to wind down before sleep, or when I feel my anxiety rising.

The video below helped me through some really stressful times a few years ago.

9. Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation can be a quick fix for stress. But, in my experience, it is much better as a regular practice to help you deal with anything life throws at you. For me, meditation is part of my morning routine, and it has definitely helped me become more resilient.

Related: Mindfulness for anxiety: 7 helpful exercises

If you’ve never meditated before, you can find a beginner’s guide to meditation here. Or learn directly about mindfulness meditation here!

10. Journaling

Image of an open journal with a pen and Kindle reader on top of it, next to it a cup with coffee

I’ve written about my love of bullet journaling before. And I think it is an amazing technique for productivity. But only recently have I learned how to use journaling as a stress-relieving activity. You can simply use your journal as a brain-dump, pouring all of your worries and thoughts onto paper.

If you like to express yourself visually, you might even try visual journaling, a technique proven to help with stress reduction. Instead of words, you use doodling or drawings to express what’s going on with you.

Either way, I’ve found journaling a great way to let go of some stress. Simply get yourself a nice notebook (I love the Leuchtturm ones!*) and a pen and start!


I know, this might be a little controversial. But when you ask me: “What are some stress-relieving activities?”, “Eating” is going to be one of my answers. And this can be true in several ways.

11. Having some junk food

One way to help yourself deal with stress is to have some junk food. This is certainly not a good idea to do long-term, but in the heat of the moment, it will actually help!

But why does eating relieve stress? Well, there is a hormonal reason you crave junk food in stressful times. The stress hormone, cortisol, signals to your body that it needs more resources to deal with the stress. And guess what counts as a quickly available resource? That’s right, everything high-fat and high-carb!

So when you eat these “comfort foods”, stress-related responses are dampened for a while. Like I said: it’s a quick fix. And sometimes you need quick fixes!

12. Eating healthy

Image of a healthy breakfast porridge

Healthy food, on the other hand, is the long-term way in which eating can help with stress.

And exactly how does eating healthy reduce stress, you might wonder? Well, a balanced diet balances out all the hormones in your body as well. So it can help lower your stress hormones while boosting your immune system and lowering your blood pressure.

All of these effects will make you feel less stressed physically, which again will make you feel more relaxed mentally and emotionally.

Of course, it can be hard to eat healthy when you’re super stressed. So make use of hacks like eating healthy snacks or using checklists like Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen!

Related: 10 sugar-free desserts without artificial sweeteners. So yummy!
Related: 8 low GI snacks for a quick energy boost

13. Bubble bath

Image of a white bathtub - helpful for cooling down a bathroom without windows

Lastly, let’s talk about bubble baths. Years ago, I used to only take those in winter. But recently, I’ve found that their stress-relieving effect works all year round!

To really get the benefit of your splashy time-out consider adding some nice bath additives. Or you could even make your own bath salts! That could be a stress-relieving activity in itself.

Liked these stress relief activities?

If you’ve enjoyed this list of stress relief activities, please share it! It helps others, it helps me, and it helps you – because helping others reduces your own stress, too!

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