Want to make a DIY face mask? But no honey? If that’s you and you are wondering how to make a face mask without honey, then these 6 recipes for homemade face masks without honey are exactly what you’re looking for!

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Now, you might have stumbled onto this article by accident. In that case, you might have a question. Why on earth is it so important that your face mask does NOT contain honey?

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Reasons for a homemade face mask without honey

Well, first of all, I’ll have you know: not everyone likes to put honey on their face. It is sticky and very thick. Especially if you use raw honey. (I do recommend using raw honey like this one*  when you use honey for homemade beauty recipes!)

Moreover, this type of honey is quite expensive. In some areas of the world, it is not even that easy to come by at all.

You might just really feel like doing a homemade face mask RIGHT NOW but have no honey available.

Honey could actually irritate your skin instead of healing it. Or you could be a vegan, generally avoiding honey.

If any of these points ring true to you, fear not. The following recipes for homemade face masks without honey will be for you.

But even if none of those points apply, you might want to read on. These are 6 easy DIY face mask recipes without honey. Enjoy trying them out!!

Homemade oatmeal face mask without honey

Image of oats on an oatmeal field, ready to be made into an oatmeal face mask

Usually, everyone mixes their oatmeal face mask with that one ingredient we are trying to avoid here. But that is not actually necessary!

How to make oatmeal face mask without honey?

You can, for example, make yourself a nice DIY oatmeal mask without honey by mixing

  • 4 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 1 egg

Put the mixture on your face for 15 minutes. Afterward, rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Now, if you are a vegan looking for homemade face masks, this recipe is not very helpful for you. An animal-free variation of the oatmeal mask without honey could look like this:

Vegan oatmeal face mask:

  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 4 tablespoons of hot water
  • 1 dash of lemon juice or aloe vera or both

If you don’t have an aloe plant at home, you can get organic aloe vera gel here*.

Related: 8 ways to use Aloe vera gel for hair

Easy, right? Only 3 ingredients and you have a vegan oatmeal face mask, without yogurt, without egg, and, of course, without honey.

Mix everything until you get a creamy consistency. Apply to your face while the concoction is still warm and leave it on for up to 30 minutes.

Related: How to make an easy DIY face cream

Homemade face mask for dry skin without honey

Image of half an avocado for a homemade face mask for dry skin

If you are interested in a DIY mask for dry skin, try avocado. This one is also a great tip if you’re looking for a DIY face mask without honey or oatmeal.

The creamy fruit helps against very dry skin and first little wrinkles. Also, there is no necessity to mix it with anything else.

Simply smash half an avocado with a fork until you have a creamy paste. For a nice effect, leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing it off.

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DIY turmeric face mask without honey

Image of spices in little glass bowls, lined up to be used for a DIY turmeric face mask without honey

A turmeric face mask is actually one of the best-known ayurvedic beauty tips. This means there are countless variations available.

So here you can find two examples of a turmeric mask without honey.

For the first one, you will need

Mix everything together with a fork and put in on your face for about 20 minutes.

Vegan turmeric face mask:

Add just enough of the oil to get a creamy paste, aaaand you’re done with your vegan turmeric face mask DIY without honey!

Fun fact: The turmeric face mask is the traditional Indian bridal mask. Imagine Indian brides covered from face to toe in the yellow paste in the night before their wedding.

Related: Easy homemade face mask for dry skin in winter

Easy homemade face mask without honey or yogurt

Image of a pineapple falling into water, ready to be made into a homemade face mask without honey or yogurt

Now let’s take it a step further: a homemade face mask without honey or yogurt!

First of all, I know the vegan variations of the face masks before this one also fulfills the criteria.

However, honey and yogurt seem to be one of the top ingredients in homemade face masks. So I explicitly wanted to give room to another vegan face mask, completely without honey or yogurt.

All you need for this mask is

  • 1 slice of pineapple/papaya (ripe!)

Awesome, right? Ideally, you puree the fruit, because especially pineapple can be a little difficult to “pulverize” otherwise. Enjoy the smell of vacation on your skin!

Related: Try the Best Homemade Face Mask For Oily Skin, it’s so easy!

If you are interested in more recipes for a homemade face mask without honey (and also with it), follow my Pinterest board “Homemade face masks, scrubs and wash”. Or simply follow my profile to also see all my other boards on homemade beauty topics.

PS: Just so you know, I am not a vegan or a honey hater in general. Sometimes I do use honey in my homemade beauty recipes. See my DIY beauty tips to combat chronic chapped lips for an example.

6 Homemade face masks without honey. These DIY beauty recipes are super easy to make.

*These links are so-called provision links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I can earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.